Giddy Up Page 6
Feeling like she had landed in the right place was helped by how her heart swelled and happiness bloomed whenever Ted or Matt were nearby. They made her feel like she’d finally found the place where she was meant to be.
“Morning, I didn’t know we were meeting here.” Sakura walked into the kitchen, picked up the jug of orange juice, and filled the two glasses already on the table. There were usually five of them and she asked where the others were.
“Jon took Molly to Bozeman to get some printing done and Matt will meet with us for lunch. You and I are going riding.” Ted walked over, placed a kiss on her forehead, then placed their plates on the table before sitting down.
“Riding?” Even though they were on a ranch with horses, she hadn’t considered getting back on one, but wasn’t turned off by the idea, either.
“Court brought over two horses, one for you and the other for Molly. I’m supposed to tell you how Sunny helped in the picking. From what I saw when they were delivered, she’s done a great job.”
“How exciting.” She may have muttered her response, but it wasn’t from a lack of enthusiasm for their upcoming ride.
Hearing him mention the other woman’s name suddenly turned on a light bulb. She was reminded of the advice Sunny had given her the day they’d arrived in Gardiner. She had said something about having to make the first move, otherwise nothing would happen. With a secret smile, she realized how right the other woman had actually been. While she’d been waiting for them to do something, they were waiting for her start things off.
She was the one who made the first move when Matt appeared in the barn office and was rewarded. Not fully, but that wasn’t his fault.
“All hands not involved in the calving and tagging project are rounding up and prepping a group of cattle we’ll take to auction next week. While they’re doing that, you and I are going to check out the fencing for the eastern pasture. There was some damage done during the last storm and it needs to be fixed before we bring any cattle to graze.
“Afterward, we’ll check the two emergency line shacks along the way for what is needed to restock its provisions. Lastly, if there’s time, we’ll come back through the northern fields to see how the new calves are doing.”
Apparently Ted had their day all planned out and she looked forward to spending one out from behind a computer.
There were a few guys working with the new calves. Each one had been assigned a handheld device to input the information for the new double tags. A few hiccups showed up early on and were individually worked out, but nothing recently. She was comfortable in stepping away from work for the day and seeing more of the ranch.
Breakfast was basic and delicious. He’d made plenty of toast, bacon, eggs and juice. While she ate, Sakura realized not only were there no cheese or potatoes present, there hadn’t been at any meal since they’d arrived. Maybe it was because she’d told him what she and Molly had noticed about the odd American food habit. She hoped he hadn’t been insulted by their discovery. It had all been in good fun.
While she washed dishes, they talked about the meeting Matt had returned from the night before.
“You know what, Sakura,” he walked over to stand by her at the sink, drying the dishes she’d washed, “with Canada having limitations on their imports, not as stiff as Japan’s but definitely not free flowing like it used to be, they could be another market for you to offer guidance to ranchers. U.S. beef is sold mostly to Mexico, South Korea, Japan and Canada. Learn the import rules for those countries and, with the success of the program we installed here, any consultancy firm you form will be in demand.”
She smiled up at him and was amazed. For the first time she realized her private life had taken precedence over work and she couldn’t be more pleased.
“People in the industry are already talking. They’re curious about what you can offer them. The other day I had a call from a guy I know who manages a spread in Wyoming. He and I had talked before Matt went to Japan and what he was looking for while there. Apparently, after hearing what we were doing, he and the man who owns the ranch discussed future plans.
“They came up with a plan to pick a single marketplace and focus on selling to them what they want. The manager wondered if the rumors were right about a representative from Nakamura Enterprises being here and would we mind him picking your brain for help. Sweetheart, you’re famous already.” He laughed and put a plate in the cupboard.
“I didn’t realize people would be openly curious about what we’d set up here. I guess I should start making detailed notes on how I’d like the consultancy firm to work and start setting down some goals. One thing I’m sure of is that I don’t want to jump into the deep end before I know where I’m headed.” She wiped her hands dry and looked over at Ted to find him watching her with a smile on his face.
“Do you know what seeing you in the kitchen is doing to me?”
“Other than happy I did the dishes?”
He laughed and wrapped his arms around her, and pulled her close enough that she could feel exactly how pleased he was.
“Seeing you here makes me think of a white picket fence, a pie cooling on the window ledge, and you, my woman, naked and ready for loving.” Ted shifted her shirt collar to the side and laid his lips right where her neck joined her shoulder. In an instant, goose bumps covered her body, tightening her nipples and bringing her passionate needs straight to the surface, ready for attention.
As they stood there, wrapped around each other, his desire for her and hers for him expanded even further. Her clit pulsed with a need to be touched and her desire begged for satisfaction. They were already in her heart, now she had to figure out how to get them to take her body.
“Come on, let’s go riding.” Ted took hold of her hand and pulled her toward the back door. He picked up a beige felt cowboy hat with a brown leather band he must have brought with him and placed it on her head. “Fit okay?”
“Yes, my first cowboy hat. Thank you.” She blushed as she remembered the night she’d played a geisha for Matt and wore his hat as she rode his body. What a wonderful night that had been—she wanted a repeat.
They left the guest house and started toward the barn. “You don’t have any problems with horses, do you? I mean, I don’t want you to do this unless you want to.”
“No, not at all, though it’s been a while since I rode. Back when I was in college, I took lessons and eventually advanced to well-groomed trails. It’s been a good three or four years since I’ve been on a horse. I’m looking forward to picking it back up with help, of course.” Her memories may have been romanticized, but she remembered being out amongst nature. Even though she’d been part of a group, there’d been a real sense of freedom whenever she’d gone riding.
“Don’t worry, we’ll take it nice and slow. We’re in no hurry today.”
They walked into the barn and immediately she noticed the beautiful brown and white dappled horse waiting in the first stall. The animal watched her with big brown eyes surrounded by long lashes and ears perked with interest. As she walked up, hand out in a bid to not startle, Ted was there at her side talking in a calm voice.
“This is Star. He’s a gentleman gelding who enjoys sugar cubes, but will eat pieces of crab apples as well. Court said he likes to take easy strolls with an occasional dash across an open field for fun.” He took her hand and stroked it over the long silken nose. The horse pushed his head into her touch then shook his head, causing the mane to dance around.
“Looks like he’s eager to go out.” Ted held her arm as they stepped out of the way. A groom she hadn’t realized was there came forward and led the horse from the stall. While he held Star’s reins, Ted fussed with the straps and stirrups before turning to her.
“Tell me when you’re ready, Sakura.”
Ted waited for her nod before bending over, offering his laced fingers as a step to help her to gain the horses back. Gripping the pommel, she put her boot onto hi
s clasped hands and swung her other leg over Star’s back. She quickly settled into position, feet in stirrups and back straight. The positioning was different from English style riding, but figured she’d settle in to the rhythm.
She smiled when he walked around her to make sure everything was secure. Like his brother, he was protective and she liked that about him, even though it wasn’t necessary. He and Matt knew she was capable of taking on the world, but it was reassuring they wanted to be there with her when she did it. They were real men, and she counted herself lucky to have found not one but two who wanted her in their life.
“All right?” On her nod, he handed her the reins, then went to mount his own horse.
“We’re going to have fun today, my handsome Star. You were definitely given the perfect name. You’re as gorgeous and poised as any Hollywood star would be, and as strong and confident as those in the sky.” Feeling good, she reached out and ran her fingers through her horse’s mane while praising him.
Once they were ready, Ted clucked his tongue and led the way out of the barn, eventually settling at her side. They walked their horses down a dirt lane before turning off to make their way over a subtle slope.
In less than fifteen minutes, she couldn’t see the barn, house, or any of the other outbuildings. It was just them and their horses beneath the big, crisp blue sky. They made their way to the eastern edge of the property and rode along the fence while checking for damage. Eventually, they found a dozen odd posts pushed from the ground by the frost.
After a quick inspection, Ted decided to come out the next day with a couple of hands and fix the fence. While he made notes on his smartphone, she walked her horse to a nearby copse of trees and back again. Next she made the trip a little faster, which led into an all-out run.
When she returned to his side, it was to see pride on her companion’s face.
“Forget this tidy trail crap, princess. You’re a good rider.”
“Thank you. I enjoyed riding whenever I went, only it wasn’t often enough, and definitely not in a place as open and wild as this.”
“Well, you’ll be able to go everyday if you’d like. However, I’m going to ask you don’t go out alone, at least not yet. Phone coverage isn’t good out here and the spread is large enough you could easily get lost or wander into one of the fields set aside for breeding.” While they talked, Ted had come over to stand at her side and put his hand on her knee.
The simple touch from him brought her need for sexual satisfaction racing right back to the forefront. She believed she’d had it under control, but that was apparently a big fat lie. Riding had brought it all back, and then his touch had her nearly begging for attention.
The leather saddle nudged her clit ring and teased her already excited senses. Neither man knew she was pierced there, and it wickedly reminded her of how long it had been since she experienced an orgasm. Too long, especially since there were two gorgeous men offering themselves to her.
Tonight, did she dare do what Sunny had suggested? Tell them straight out what she wanted? With her pussy pulsating with need, she wasn’t sure she could last much longer, but would try her best.
“I won’t.” Her voice shook.
“If you’re okay to keep going, we’ll check out the two shelters. Matt will meet us with lunch. The second one is in better condition than the other and will offer a cool place to get out of the heat of the day if you need to rest.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
“Good, follow me.” He tapped the sides of his horse and they took off.
They made it to the first place in quick time and Ted went inside to make a note of any supplies needed. The ride to the next shelter took a little longer and the pace was slower because the terrain was trickier to handle. By the time they arrived, Sakura was ready to stretch her legs.
Knowing they were going to stay put for a bit, they settled the horses under a simply built shelter attached to the building. They went inside the hut and she realized it wasn’t nearly as crude inside as she’d expected it to be. There was no running water or electricity, but there were things available to make it easier for an extended stay if bad weather took someone by surprise.
While he checked things out, she made her way back outside and sat beneath a tree. Whether it was from riding or Ted, she was warm and unfastened a couple of buttons. She waved the fabric about to bring a little breeze to help cool off. Pulling her hat down low, she stretched her legs out in front of her and relaxed.
Listening to the leaves rustling, a feeling of peace filled her and she closed her eyes. Something she hadn’t expected but rather quickly had grown to enjoy turned out to be the complete and utter silence she found on the Big W. Even though she was living on a working ranch and plenty of activity took place, it didn’t compare to the chaos of a city street like in Osaka, and she liked that just fine.
Hearing a low squeak, she opened her eyes enough to watch Ted leave the shack and head toward where she sat. How he dressed and even moved said he was a cowboy from the cradle. Not one of the picture perfect types found in the movies, but a real one. On the outside he was tough, sexy, and, from what she could see of his cock, currently turned on.
Inside where it mattered most, she knew him and adored his gentle soul. She wondered if what she was feeling was love and, after seeing Ted walk toward her, decided to think about it later.
Sakura considered he might think she slept because he walked carefully to not wake her. He crouched down at her feet and looked her over. Clearly written on his face was a hunger intense enough it made her stomach clench. Something softer, an acceptance and pleasure in her being there with him, was at the center of her desire. He reached out a hand to touch her leg and then pulled it back.
Wanting him to touch her all over, she finally assured him she was awake by asking him a question she had the answer for, but needed to hear him say it.
“Do you want me?”
Chapter Six
There was no need to think any more about what she wanted. Sakura knew exactly what she had to do to get it, and she reached out her hand for Ted to take.
He didn’t make her wait for an answer or wonder if he understood what she’d asked. Ted clasped her hand and pulled her up. With hands locked together, she led him back to the emergency shelter and, because he let her, she managed to gently push him onto the old couch to ravish.
Looking at his lap, she found his erection prominently displayed. The heaviness of the denim couldn’t keep his cock down. The sight of him excited her and the return response was exactly what she needed to see. There was no need to delay taking what she wanted.
Sakura straddled his hips and wasted no time in kissing him. She hoped he understood exactly how hungry and eager she was for his possession. Within a few heated seconds her new cowboy hat was lost. Big hands gripped her hips tightly and she loved how it made her think he was afraid she’d disappear. His hold was firm enough there might be bruises from his fingers left behind, and she’d wear them proudly.
Slowly, the hold he had on her relaxed enough she could slide her covered pussy back and forth over his hard-on.
Right then his possession was what she wanted. Sakura gloried in riding his hard cock and teasing the flesh to reach higher. She wanted him buried deep inside her as he took control of her body. The need to hurry the climax she’d been dreaming of for such a long time was difficult to ignore. The ring holding her bundle of nerves hostage, ready to release, was relentless in fulfilling its duties.
Not wanting to lose the connection building between them, she slipped her tongue between his parted lips. She tried to express how strong her passion for him was without using words. Surely the words would come later but, right then, she needed to satisfy her lust for Ted, and nothing else.
Watching him walk toward her had been exciting. The simple action had ramped up her desire to a level where only exercising the need would ease the pain. Besides, he was still wearing his hat and boots, and she had a
thing for cowboys.
When she moved a hand down between them and squeezed his jeans-covered rod, a lusty moan drove into her mouth. He moved his hand to hold her head steady for him to take over their kiss. Their connection was full of passion and something else, but she wanted much more than a kiss—she wanted to be fucked by him.
“I didn’t bring anything with me, did you?” Sakura assumed he’d know she was asking about protection, but didn’t have the words to say it directly. It was difficult enough for her to wait for an answer and not go back to enjoying his possession.
“No, I…” He couldn’t finish because Sakura fell right back into the pleasure building between them.
The disappointment in not having all of him was gone before her lips returned to his with passion. There were other ways to find satisfaction for the desire running rampant through her body. She may want more from Ted and he may need something else from her, but she’d figured out how to go about finding relief for them both.
The last time she’d done anything like what she planned, she’d been wearing geisha attire and makeup. She’d been afraid to do or say something that would make her recognizable. This time, there wasn’t a need to pretend to be someone other than who she was, and she couldn’t be happier with the difference.
Pulling away from him brought a growl from Ted. His tension relaxed a bit as she moved swiftly to kneel on the ground between his legs. Looking up into his face, she found the same hunger rolling through her body and wasted little time in going after what they both wanted.
Placing her hands on his thighs, she smoothed them upward and unbuttoned his jeans. Sakura was prepared for anything, but apparently she wasn’t because she couldn’t stop laughing when his cock popped out from behind the placket.
“What’s so funny?” Despite being in such a vulnerable position, he didn’t sound insulted by her laughter, merely curious.
“I wasn’t thinking you’d not be wearing underwear,” she said as she stroked two fingers up and down the solid fleshy rod. His cock was similar to his brother’s, but different, and she took a minute to soak up more about him. Ted’s was thicker and almost as long.